Website Privacy Notice


Website Privacy Notice 

The closure of the Inter Faith Network for the UK risks destroying many years of dialogue, action, and development.  An ad hoc group of national interfaith bodies and NASACRE have agreed to secure and keep safe National Inter Faith Week, which takes place in the second week of November. The members of the ad hoc group are:

·       All Faiths Network

·       Council of Christians and Jews

·       Faith & Belief Forum

·       National Association of Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education (NASACRE)

·       Religions for Peace (UK)

·       United Religions Initiative (UK)


United Religions Initiative UK (URI UK) has agreed to maintain the national Inter Faith Week website on behalf of that group. The website is used to:

promote and market the Week;
display where activities and events are being organised;
provide materials to help organise activities and
monitor the ‘Week’s successes and chart future policy.

To effectively complete the above, URI UK will require data about events and their holders and contact persons of the kind sought through the activity registration form.  It will also make this data available to Faith & Belief Forum, which maintains the Inter Faith Week contact database on behalf of the ad hoc group. Faith & Belief Forum’s Privacy Policy can be found at

Neither URI nor F&BF will use collected data commercially or share your data with any other third parties.


URI’s Data Privacy Statement

United Religions Initiative UK (URI UK) is a registered charity (Charity Number 1200822). We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about the information we hold about you. This privacy notice describes how we will process the personal information that you provide to us when you use which is owned by URI.

URI UK is a ‘controller’ for the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) (“Data Protection Law”). This means that we are responsible for and control the processing of your personal information.   Personal information means any information about individuals. This includes an individual’s name but can also include other information that indirectly identifies individuals.

If you would like further information about our data protection policies or have a concern, please contact URI UK at or via the Contact form on the website.

In this notice, “we”, “us”, “our”, and “URIUK” refer to United Religions Initiative UK.

The reasons why we process your personal information through the Inter Faith Week website include:

To provide services, goods, information, etc, that you have requested, such as listing your Inter Faith Week event information on this website.
To keep you in touch with news about Inter Faith Week – for this purpose, we will share contact information received through this website with the Faith & Belief Forum as noted above.
In some cases, if you do not provide the personal information requested, we may not be able to process your request.


We may also use your personal information:

To invite you to participate in research/ complete surveys/ questionnaires.


How we collect your personal information

We collect information about you in the following ways:

When you interact directly with us, such as through:

·       asking for information from us;

·       signing up to a mailing list;

·       registering to attend an event;

·       sending us information;

·       applying for a job or volunteer role;

·       sending us an event listing;

·       sending us a volunteer role or job listing;

·       filling in a questionnaire/ survey; or

·       where you provide us with personal information in any other way. This includes when you write to, email, telephone or otherwise contact us or interact with us in person.


When you visit our websites

Our Inter Faith Week website gathers and stores your IP address, which is automatically recognised by the web server.  Unless you opt out, we also gather general information, which might include which pages you visit most often, and which services, events, or information are of most interest to you. We may also track which pages you visit when you click on links in emails from us. We use “cookies” to help our Websites run effectively—see the section on Cookies below.


What personal information we may process

We may process the following personal information about your:

·       name

·       date of birth

·       address

·       email address

·       telephone number(s)

·       organisational affiliations

·       religious affiliation (e.g. through a religious title)

·       social media accounts

·       your CV or other application information if you apply for a job or volunteer role with us.

·       any other information you provide to us in any communications or through any route described above.



What about personal information that is considered more sensitive?

We will only collect and use sensitive personal information (also known as special category data under the UK GDPR) if there is a valid reason for doing so and where the law allows us to. Sensitive personal information includes personal information about health, ethnicity, religion, political opinions or sexuality.

We request that you avoid disclosing to us any sensitive personal information relating to you or anyone else when providing us with personal information, except where that information has been requested.

If you provide us with any ‘sensitive personal information’ by any means of communication, we will treat that information with extra care in accordance with our Data Protection Policy. Generally, surveys only process this information through a separate, anonymous diversity monitoring survey and not in ways that can be matched to other records we hold about you.

We will only use sensitive personal information to help you with your enquiry (which can include passing your contact details to an external organisation where you have expressed an interest in being connected or have submitted an Inter Faith Week event listing).

We will not pass on your sensitive personal information to anyone else without your express permission except, as stated above, where you have submitted an Inter Faith Week event listing that listing will be shared with the Faith & Belief Forum or where required to by law, to protect our or a third party’s interests, or where we use service providers to assist us e.g. IT support services.


Legal bases for using your information.

Under the Data Protection Law, we are required to rely on one or more legal bases to process the personal information that we have outlined above. We consider the bases listed below to be relevant:

Legitimate interests

We rely on this basis where applicable law allows us to collect and use personal information for our legitimate interests and the use of your personal information is fair, balanced and does not unduly impact your rights.



We may obtain your consent to use your personal information in certain circumstances e.g. to send you direct marketing messages by email or where you have voluntarily provided us with your sensitive information such as your religious affiliation. We will ensure that when we obtain your (explicit) consent you are free both to give it and to decline to give it. Additionally, you may always withdraw your consent at any time without any further detriment to you.

We may also rely on the basis that, as a not-for-profit body with a religious aim, we are processing sensitive personal information about our members (or former members) or those we have regular contact with in connection with our purposes, and we do not disclose such data without seeking the consent of the relevant individuals.


Sharing your information

Your information will be used by URI UK and volunteers and F&BF to engage with you in the ways that you have requested, such as for the purpose of listing your Inter Faith Week event on this website. Information provided for this purpose will also be shared with the Faith &Belief Forum, which maintains an Inter Faith Week contacts database.

We will never share or sell your information to third parties for marketing purposes.

In limited cases – such as some surveys/ questionnaires we produce – we may notify you (using privacy statements) that anonymised data may be shared with partner organisations with similar aims to URI UK (such as the inter faith linking bodies of the devolved nations) or with funders of URI UK work as part of their quality assurance/ evaluation work.

We may share your information with our trusted suppliers who work with us on or on our behalf to deliver services. Still, processing of this information is always carried out under our instruction and in accordance with our Data Protection Policy. We ensure that suppliers store data securely, delete it when they no longer need it, and never use it for any other purposes than those contracted. Some examples of where we may share your information are with our website and contact management database hosting and support contractors.

URI UK also may use third-party service providers such as Mailchimp, Google, and SmartSurvey to help it administer emails, web analytics, communications, payments processing, survey creation and data collection. Service providers are only used where they are based in the European Economic Area (EEA)/ UK. Otherwise, if we engage a service provider outside the EEA or UK we will implement appropriate safeguards to protect personal information (see below for further information).

We may disclose your information if required to do so by law (e.g. to comply with applicable laws, regulations and codes of practice or in response to a valid request from a competent authority).We may also share your personal information with our professional advisors where necessary or with any third party as part of a sale, merger or acquisition, or other transfer of all or part of our assets including as part of a bankruptcy proceeding.


Keeping information safe

We take looking after your personal information seriously and have implemented measures to protect the personal information we have under our control, both on and offline, from improper access, use, alteration, destruction and loss.

Unfortunately, information transmission over the Internet is not completely secure. Although we do our best to protect the personal information you send to us this way, we cannot guarantee the security of personal information transmitted to our site.

Our websites contain links to other sites. While we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for other sites' content or privacy practices. Please be aware that websites that have links on our site may collect personally identifiable information about you. This privacy notice does not cover the information practices of those websites.


How long will we keep your personal information?

We only keep personal information for as long as is necessary (e.g., where we are required by regulation to retain information for a particular period) or as long as it is proportional and reasonable and in accordance with our Records Retention Policy.


Social media

We may reach out to you via your social media profile to make you aware of Inter Faith Week on Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram or LinkedIn. We use tools available on Facebook and Instagram (called ‘custom audiences’ or ‘lookalike’ audiences) to help direct our services to the right audiences. If you do not want us to use your personal information in this way, please let us know by contacting us using the details set out in the Contact Us section.

Both Facebook and Instagram’s services are provided by Facebook Inc. You can learn more about interest-based advertising from Facebook by visiting this page: To opt-out from Facebook’s interest-based ads, follow these instructions from Facebook:

Facebook adheres to the Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioural Advertising established by the Digital Advertising Alliance. You can opt-out from Facebook and other participating companies through the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance in Europe, or opt-out using your mobile device settings.


URI UK also operates the following social media pages linked to its Inter Faith Week programme:

X: www.

URI UK and each social media website it operates are joint controllers, i.e. we are both responsible for how your personal information is used.

Visit the Facebook Privacy Policy for more information about how Facebook manages personal information or contact Facebook online or by mail: Facebook, Inc. ATTN, Privacy Operations, 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, United States.

Visit the Twitter Privacy Policy https:// for more information about how Twitter manages personal information or contact X online.

Visit the LinkedIn Privacy Policy for more information about how LinkedIn manages personal information or contact LinkedIn online.


Facebook Insights

We use the Facebook Insights function to operate our Facebook page and, in accordance with the GDPR, obtain anonymised statistical data about our users.

For this purpose, Facebook places a cookie on the device of the user visiting our Facebook page. Each cookie contains a unique identifier code and remains active for a period of two years, except when it is deleted before the end of this period.

Facebook receives, records and processes the information stored in the cookie, especially when the user visits the Facebook services, services that are provided by other members of the Facebook page and services by other companies that use Facebook services.

For more information on the privacy practices of Facebook, please visit Facebook Privacy Policy here:


Your rights

Please note that we will honour your requests to exercise your rights to the extent possible and required under applicable law. Certain of these rights may only be available to you if you are located in the UK or the EU when you access our website or otherwise engage with us.


Your principal rights under Data Protection Law are:

Ask us for confirmation of what personal information we hold about you and to request a copy of that information. If we are satisfied that you have a legal entitlement to see this personal information and we can confirm your identity, we will provide you with this personal information.

You can withdraw your consent at any time if we have relied on consent as the lawful ground for using your personal information.

You can request that we delete the personal information we hold about you, as far as we are legally required to do so.

Ask that we correct any personal information that we hold about you that you believe to be inaccurate.

Object to the processing of your personal information where we: (i) process based on the legitimate interest’s ground; (ii) use the personal information for direct marketing; or (iii) use the personal information for statistical purposes.

Ask for the provision of your personal information in a machine-readable format to either yourself or a third party, provided that the personal information in question has been provided to us by you, and is being processed by us: (i) in reliance on your consent; or (ii) because it is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are party; and in either instance, we are processing it using automated means.

You can ask for the processing of your personal information to be restricted if there is disagreement about its accuracy or legitimate use.

These rights are subject to certain limitations and exceptions. You can learn more about individuals' rights by visiting

Please note that you also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority about how we use your personal information if you are in the UK or the EU. In the UK, this is the Information Commissioner’s Office – Please always consider raising your concern with us first by contacting us.


International Data Transfers

Where your personal information is transferred, stored, and/or otherwise processed outside the UK or EU in a country which does not offer an equivalent standard of protection to the UK or EU, we will take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that the recipient implements appropriate safeguards (such as relying on standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission and the UK Government) designed to protect your personal information.

If you have any questions about the transfer of your personal information, please use the details below to contact us.


About Cookies

A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.

Cookies may be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies. A persistent cookie is stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session when the web browser is closed.

Cookies may not contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal data that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.


Managing cookies

When you first visit our websites (or visit from a new device/ browser) you will be asked whether or not you wish to consent to receive cookies.

You can view or amend your consent at any point using the form at the bottom of this page.

Please note that removal of consent for functionality cookies may mean that our websites becomes less friendly/ easy to use, and may ask you to note/update your consent preferences on each visit.

Most browsers also allow you to change settings which control how you receive cookies across all websites you visit. You can find out more about cookies and how to manage them at


How to contact us

If you would like further information about our data protection policies or have a concern, please contact URI UK at or via the Contacts Form on the website.


Changes to this privacy notice

If this privacy notice changes in any way, we will place the revised notice on this page. If we update this privacy notice in a way which significantly changes how we use your personal information, we will bring these changes to your attention where reasonably possible. Otherwise, we recommend that you periodically review this privacy notice to be aware of any other revisions.

Last updated 06 May 2024


Grant or withdraw your consent for non-essential cookies.

 Functionality Cookies

These cookies help us personalise content and functionality. If you do not allow these cookies, some portions of our website may be less friendly and easy to use, forcing you to enter content or set your preferences on each visit.

Performance Cookies

These cookies allow us to measure how visitors use our website, which pages are popular, and what our traffic sources are. This helps us improve how our website works and makes it easier for all visitors to find what they are looking for. The information is aggregated and anonymous and cannot be used to identify you. If you do not allow these cookies, we will be unable to use your visits to our website to help make improvements.


ill bring these changes to your attention where reasonably possible. Otherwise, we recommend that you periodically review this privacy notice to be aware of any other revisions.

Last updated 15 October 2024


Grant or withdraw your consent for non-essential cookies.

These cookies help us personalise content and functionality. If you do not allow these cookies, some portions of our website may be less friendly and easy to use, forcing you to enter content or set your preferences on each visit.

These cookies allow us measure how visitors use our website, which pages are popular, and what our traffic sources are. This helps us improve how our website works and make it easier for all visitors to find what they are looking for. The information is aggregated and anonymous, and cannot be used to identify you. If you do not allow these cookies, we will be unable to use your visits to our website to help make improvements.

Please indicate your consent to this site’s use of cookies

Some cookies are required for our site to function. Cookies are also used for further functionality and performance. Please see our privacy and cookies page to find out more, and manage your consent at any time.